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Charity Projects

Iumob supports nonprofit associations to help them develop their projects and make a concrete contribution to those who are in need.

Project: ABIO, Association for the Child in the Milan Hospital

For Christmas 2020, in such a difficult year due to the Pandemic that has hit the world, Iumob want to give its support to ABIO, the Association for the Child in the Milan Hospital, with the purchase of solidarity panettone for its employees and collaborators.

Thanks to the commitment of over 700 volunteers, today the Association is present in 30 departments in the city of Milan.

For Iumob, helping a local Charity, that works to support families, is priceless because we firmly believe in the value of solidarity and hope, especially for those who need it most.

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Project: The Fight against Coronavirus, Policlinico di Milano

In this moment of crisis for our country, due to the Coronavirus emergency, Iumob has decided to make a donation to the Policlinico di Milano, in order to support the fight against COVID-19.

The profit will serve to set up new areas in Intensive Care, so as to be able to accommodate a greater number of patients.

We think that it is very important to support in any way all the doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses, heroes who are on the front lines every day to fight the Coronavirus and offer the best possible assistance to those who need it.

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Iumob supports nonprofit associations to help them develop their projects and make a concrete contribution to those who are in need.

Project: Foundation for Research on Fibrosis Cistica Onlus

On the occasion of Christmas 2019, Iumob has chosen to support the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation with a donation, purchasing solidarity panettone for its employees and collaborators.

The FFC Foundation for years has been promoting research projects to improve the quality of life of people affected by this genetic disease, the most serious and the most common in Italy, and at the same time try to defeat it.

For us, research is invaluable and we are happy to renew our commitment to society, helping to make this important reality known.

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Project: Villaggio Solidale at Lurano

In 2017 Iumob chose to support the construction of the Villaggio Solidale at Lurano, by the Consorzio Fa, a nonprofit association based in Brignano Gera d’Adda (BG) which for years has been dealing with people with disabilities, and families and young people in distress.

Iumob made a donation to Consorzio Fa to carry out the ambitious project of creating a community able to accommodate those who are experiencing serious discomforts and difficulties.

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